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One of the best things you can do for your own home is become well informed. At TAG Energy Savers we look forward to not only providing remediation through no cost programs, but to also serve as a non biased information hub to our current and prospective clients. On this page you will find resources and third party documentation which will serve as a great addition to your energy performance endeavor. 

Why should I care about energy performance?

To some, energy performance contracting and weatherization can make the difference between being able to pay your bills and keep your families comfortable. We realize that this is not the case for everyone, though savings should be a bonus for all. Keeping your home performing to the highest degree reduces maintenance needs, electrical demand, and increases comfort, 

Tax Credits and Home rebates

Day to day billing might be affordable, but taxes are one of Americans highest expenses. The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and local rebates can greatly reduce that burden on your household.

Claimed by filing Form 5695, this tax credit was put into affect through the IRA. This was presented to help make energy efficient home improvements more affordable to everyone. This allows up to 30% of the cost of materials used for qualifying upgrades to be returned to customers through their tax filings. A maximum of $1,200 per year for air sealing, duct sealing, insulation, doors, and windows. With limitations of $250 per door (2 max) and up to $600 for windows per year. There is no lifetime maximum. Available to claim until 2033. This is separate from the $2,000 allotment for eligible heat pumps and bio-mass boilers.

Though you may be eligible for the home energy audit through OG&E this does not mean that you will receive every possible measure that is offered. Or maybe you already paid another contractor to do some measures offered, but did not know about their program. You will not be able to capture the full amount paid, but they do offer debates for insulation (walls and ceiling), duct and air sealing, pool pumps, and windows or doors.

Claimed by filing Form 5695, this tax credit was put into affect through the IRA. This was presented to help make energy efficient home improvements more accessible to people. This allows up to 30% of the cost of materials used for qualifying upgrades to be returned to customers through their tax filings. A maximum of $1,200 per year for air sealing, duct sealing, insulation, doors, and windows. With limitations of $250 per door (2 max) and up to $600 for windows per year. There is no lifetime maximum. This is separate from the $2,000 allotment for eligible heat pumps and bio-mass boilers.

Multilingual Functionality

In today's globalized world, chances are you are interacting with people from more than just one country. This is where our multilingual functionality comes into play. Take advantage of this unique capability to expand your reach.

Advanced Tech

We are constantly working to improve our offerings and expand upon our technological capabilities. Our expert team of professionals is passionate about developing the most advanced tech on the market. Ready to experience the future? Get in touch.

What does the work do for me?

Here you can find a more comprehensive breakdown of each measure we perform not only during utility based audits, but any other job we perform.

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